Real Estate Marketing Ideas For Pro Real Estate Agents

If you want to be a pro agent you need real estate marketing ideas that will put you at the top of the list.  ImageWorks has created this list of real estate marketing ideas to help you get on top.  Each one of these tips has been picked from the pros in the industry.

Mobile Friendly is a Necessity

In the age of the mobile device, it is essential that your site is mobile friendly.  More and more people are using their phones to access websites regularly.  They can use their phones no matter where they are to view your site.  That means you want them to be able to easily view your website, no matter what device they are on.

Google is also giving priority to mobile friendly sites on mobile devices.  That means that if your device isn’t mobile friendly, your competition’s sites might appear ahead of yours.

Be Social About It

The world is now connected by social media.  Your real estate listings should be too.  Social media can be utilized to promote your listings and to create attention to your sales.

Make sure that you post your listings, along with photographs to your social media page regularly.  Those who follow you will be shown your listings regularly.  Your postings can also be promoted on social media.  When you use promotion features your posts will appear on other people’s social media and they will garner attention.

You can also use social media to hold events like giveaways.  These events attract attention to your social media and through that, your listings.  The more attention you bring to them, the more likely your listings will be to sell.

Use Share Buttons

All of your listing pages on your website should have social share buttons.  When people find a listing that they like, they will want to post it to social media.  Social share buttons make sharing a lot easier.  No longer do they need to copy and paste.  A website is far more likely to be shared if it has social share buttons.

You can also program social share buttons so that they display certain information when shared.  That means you can pick what words and what images are shared from your page.  It doesn’t hurt to also allow the sharing of individual pictures on your page.

Make Sure You Have A Google Business Page

Google Plus has a great feature where you can showcase your agent profile.  This page should have your contact information, a good picture of you, and a bio.  You can also regularly share listings, photographs, and more.  Your clients can also rate you on your Google Business Page.

The information that you have on your Google Business Page is shared with Google Maps and Google Search.  This allows people to easily see your information when searching for you or your listings.

Request Testimonials

Request those that you sell listings to and for to write you testimonials.  You can ask them to write them on your Google Page, Yelp, or any other location.  You can then copy them to your website so that they are visible on all of your platforms.  The more positive testimonials you can gather, the more attention that is brought to your business.

You can put reminders to write a testimonial in your sales packets or welcome home packets.  This can give that subtle push for people to give you a positive review.

Use Listing Websites

Make sure that you use listing websites such as Zillow to post listings.  This allows your listing to be viewed no matter where people are looking for houses.  Queenstown real estate market is very international. Make the most of it. Many of these sites allow you to post for free, or near free.  It also allows clients to review you on these sites.  That way potential buyers can sort by agent reviews.

You can also use Craigslist and other posting boards to further promote your listings.  Many people search on these sites first before going to Zillow.  This is because they expect better deals on sites like Craigslist.  Utilize that to your benefit.

Create a Mailing List and Newsletter

You may think that no one joins mailing lists anymore.  You would be wrong.  People join mailing lists that they care about.  If you create a mailing list and use it to send content people care about, they will join your mailing list.  Make sure to not spam your mailing list.

Along with your mailing list, you should create a newsletter.  A newsletter can be used to keep those who follow you up to date on what is happening.  You can also show off top listings.  Newsletters can also be used to connect with other local businesses.

Design Stellar Business Cards

Your business cards are representative of your business.  Make sure that your business cards are designed to impress.  Use your agency logo and an outstanding font to stand out.  Try putting a link to your listings page on your business cards.

Don’t forget to hand your business cards out regularly.  The more you hand out your business cards, the more people who will notice you.

Brand, Brand, Brand

Everything you have from your business cards to website should be branded.  Your brand includes any part of your image that you use.  From logo to text to phrasing is all part of your brand.  If you have a good brand, people will recognize you.

Try making branded items such as water bottles, candies, pens, and more to hand out.  Hand these out at listings and at events to help people remember you and the listing.

Commercial Property Photography Experts

One of the things that experts use in order to get more sales is professional photographers.  Professional photographers can capture commercial property photography in a way that others can’t.  They know how to make lighting perfect and what to include in the shot.

It is also important to use the same photographer for your photographs.  Your photographer helps to create a brand for your business.  When people see your photographs they recognize the work as your listing.

Hire A Professional Writer

A professional writer can help you write listings that sell.  They can make your ads sparkle and your descriptions woo.   With online services like Fiverr, a freelance writer can be very inexpensive.  Professional writers can also do keyword research to help your ads show up in search engines.

An alternative to using a professional writer is to take a writing course.  There are many marketing-based writing courses available online and in person for good prices.  These courses will make you more knowledgeable but they won’t make you an expert overnight.

Utilize Virtual Tours

Not as many real estate agents are utilizing virtual tours as they should.  Virtual tours allow potential buyers to get an idea of your listing.  Users can view the home right from their computers.

Make sure to make the listing attractive when photographing for the virtual tour.  This will help to make it enticing for potential buyers.  Don’t make it unrealistically attractive, though, people will get mad at that.  Just highlight the benefits of the listing.

Panorama Pictures Of Property

There are a lot of ways that you can utilize panorama pictures of your listings.  You can use them to show views of the property.  Another way is to show full rooms at one time.  Even try using them to show the full front yard or back yard of your listing.

Panorama pictures from commercial property photography experts are more affordable than ever.  They can also be captured quickly to ensure you can use them as soon as possible.

Panorama pictures make great timeline photos and great cover photos for social media.  They also work well for headers on documents.

Door Hangers Have NOT Gone Out of Style

Remember getting door hangers on your door to advertise local businesses?  You don’t see them as much anymore but they are still a great way to advertise.  Door hangers are relatively inexpensive but they grab attention.  Once you have a potential client’s attention they are likely to think more about buying or selling.

Make sure that any door hangers you use follow your brand.  This will help to connect your door hanger to your other material.

Make Yourself Easy to Get Ahold Of

People don’t like to work to get ahold of anyone.  That means that you should make it extremely easy to contact you.  Make sure that your website has links to your email address.  You also want to have your phone number listed.  If possible, your phone should not have any kind of phone tree or automated system.  People don’t like talking or listening to robots.

Also make sure that your signs have easy contact methods listed on them.  This helps to ensure a fluid experience for potential buyers.

Scheduling Software or Apps

You want to make it easy for people to schedule showings.  Use a software or an app that your clients can access.  This way they have the power to see what time you are available and schedule a showing.  It also makes changing the showing time very easy.  There will be far less back and forth and your clients will appreciate it.

Follow Up

People like when they aren’t forgotten.  Make sure that you are following up on your potential buyers.  Email them after a showing asking if they are still interested or if they possibly want to look at your other listings.  This follow-up helps to remind them you are a person and that there are options out there.

Get Out There In The Industry

A great way to attract more attention is to get well known in the industry.  That means that you need to get your name out there.  There are a lot of options in real estate to spread your name around.  For example, you can host webinars to help agents learn how to handle different aspects of the industry.  You can also use webinars to instruct buyers on how to handle different aspects of the real estate industry.

Making sure that you attend any seminars or conventions.  This will allow you to meet other agents and learn more about the industry.

Invest In Your Community

There are a lot of opportunities to invest in your local community.  Think of small businesses that are looking for a loan.  Or streets that need to be cleaned up.  Or even government buildings that need extra funding.  Donating or loaning to the community can get your name out there.  In many cases, those you support are willing to help you.  That means you can potentially have your name placed around the city to catch attention.  This also helps people to connect you positively with the community.

Use a Referral System

People like to have bonuses and that is what a referral system does.  Provide incentives for home buyers that use you for a second purchase.  Also, reward buyers who recommend you to a friend.  You can even create different tiers of referral bonuses so that people are incentivized to refer you.

Go Old School

In the modern age, it is really easy to use automated options.  When someone sees a personalized note, email, or other media they will appreciate it.  Use this to your advantage.  Many other real estate agents will use automated and cut and paste material.  Stand out and be noticed.

Track All Of Your Efforts

You should be tracking all of your efforts that you use to sell listings.  This helps to let you know what processes are working and what aren’t.  There are many tools that allow you to track how advertising is working for you.  You want to track all of your efforts, though.  An excel spreadsheet can help with that.

If one method isn’t showing results after a good amount of time, you might want to consider a different route.  You should never be afraid to stop a method that doesn’t work, even if others say it does.  But you must first make an effort to make it work.  Don’t give up the same day.

You probably want to be the best real estate agent you can.  Utilize some or all of these tips to help you get there.  Each one is designed to make you a true pro.  Many real estate agents have used them in the past to become big.  Just make sure that you aren’t afraid to do your own thing.  Being adaptive is the number one tool anyone can have in their arsenal.

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